Sunday, 28 October 2012

What's The Secret To Having A Six-Figure Career?

Six-figure earners tend to share some of the same qualities. What are they?

1. Support. Six-figure earners seem to have at least one person in their lives (usually but not always their spouse) that believe in them, and their ability to succeed. Those same people that believe in them also usually support them in other ways, whether that's helping with the house chores, kids, or even weathering hard times together. Support is always a key asset to a six-figure earner. Support can be sought out if it isn't present in your life already. Join associations, classes, or groups to find some supportive people.

2. Audacity. Six-figure earners tend to have a streak of audacity to them. They take on projects that they aren't comfortable doing...that they'd have to learn quickly in order to succeed. They stretch themselves in some ways...often. Whether it's a marathon, or some other activity, job, group, hobby, or project that you've never done, start stretching yourself to grow and learn.

3. Learn about money and face it. Read something about money everyday, even if it's a headline. Balance your check book often. Dedicate yourself to learning about money for the rest of your life. (I don't ever think money should be anyone's number one priority, but you should dedicate a little bit of time per day to learning about money and balancing your check book). If you have debts, be proactive and find a way to consolidate them if possible. Get a debt repayment plan going.

4. Be proactive. Many people who don't earn six-figures believe the power of their earning potential is in someone else's hands. That's not the case. Six-figure earners know they are 100% responsible for what they earn. They know they aren't victims. They ask for raises, start businesses, raise their rates. They don't wait to be passed up for a promotion. They go early and ask for it.

5. Set the intention. What do you want to earn? Do you have a figure in mind? Whatever it is, decide you WILL earn that amount within a year, and then write it down on a post-it pad, and tape it where you'll see it every day. I put mine on my laptop so I remember that is my intention of what I'll earn in the next 12 months.

Finally, use affirmations. Every prosperity book I've read (and I've read A LOT) has one thing in common, and that's affirmations. I strongly suggest you learn about affirmations and get a couple to say everyday.
I wish you much six-figure success!
Mary Moore is an expert author, speaker, and professional six-figure career coach. She helps people turn their talents, favorite skills, hobbies, and past times into six-figure careers. Check out her FREE six-figure secrets report at

Career Advice - Six Proven Job Tips For Career Success

Achieving career success is not an exact process. Nevertheless, there are common sense rules that winners follow to achieve their career goals. There are six of those real-world career guidelines that are critical to developing and executing a successful career path.

1. Job Tip:

Do not hire anyone you can't fire, unless you are under the harshest kind of pressure you can resist. When you hire a new employee, hopes are high that the relationship will work out to everyone's benefit, even if it's a shotgun wedding. However, the wise manager will take care to avoid a position where he can't dismiss that person if things don't work out.

This means resisting situations where employment is based on any reason other than the needs of the company and the particular worth and "fit" of the person being recruited.
When possible run for cover when you are being pressured by a friend to hire his friend.

Especially try to duck the bullet when the "do hire" message comes on a personal basis from the boss.
In real world there may be no escaping. If that is the case, protect yourself from the start. Have a clear understanding with all concerned of the basis on which you are acting. Insist that everyone understands that so long as you are held responsible for the results of your department you have the absolute right to hire and fire. You should insist on being let off the hook if that right is denied.
Be sure to document the performance of the offspring of the shotgun wedding. You need facts, whether he or she is a raging success or a total disaster.

2. Job Tip:

The only reality in any organization is individual perceptions of the information that is available. Therefore, "reality" is what those in power say it is. Learn to live with it.

3. Job Tip:

The very attributes that make for a successful career - independence of thought, ambition, assertiveness - go against the culture of organizations.

4. Job Tip: The organization will never be a perfect universe.

Organizations are no better or worse than the people who inhabit them. The organization will do things of which you do not approve; it will make mistakes. So, don't enter the organization with a missionary zeal to purify the structure, its purposes and those who make it up. Focus your attention on making your best efforts to move yourself toward your goals and those of the organization.
If, after time, you find that you cannot achieve these objectives, you have two choices. Compromise your standards or leave. That is the way it is.

5. Job Tip:

Don't expect your comrades to support you to the bitter end if you are in serious conflict with the organization.

If you and your associates are in a knock-down-drag-out squabble with the organization, be very cautious if your associates say, "We'll hold your coat, Charlie; you go fight 'em." Or the corollary to that, "If you get fired, Charlie, we will leave with you." That all sounds fine in the heat of the moment. But if it comes to actual conflict, most people shy away and begin thinking more about job security and house payments than they do loyalty to the cause you once shared.

6. Job Tip:

Most people are waiting for something to happen. For one reason or another, the majority of people spend most of their careers waiting for the spark to light. They want someone to come along and tell them what to do. They want to wake up some morning motivated to achieve success.
On the other hand, a few people are impatient. They are chomping at the bit to shape their world. They win big or lose big in the process, but they get to choose the game and set the stakes. Meanwhile, those who wait for career success are dancing to someone else's music.
In the final analysis career success is a matter of individual choice.
For free advice on how to achieve your career goals click here: - You'll receive Ramon Greenwood's free semi-monthly newsletter. You can also visit his Your Blog For Career Advice via this route. Greenwood's common sense career advice comes from a world of experience, including serving as Senior Vice President of American Express, an entrepreneur, professional director, career coach and author.
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Careers Advice for Young People Not Helping Unemployed Graduates

In our latest careers advice for young people article we look at why the usual careers advice services are not helping unemployed graduates to find the job they need.
Poor careers advice is often cited by graduates who are looking for a good start to their careers in their chosen profession. You hear stories of highly qualified graduates who end up flipping burgers just to bring in an income which is a waste of talent when you consider the cost of a university education.

So how can we ensure that our young graduates do not become discouraged with the whole jobs advice process and end up in a job they do not like in order to survive financially?
One novel way to find the job you really want is to go and interview people in the job sector that you want to work in. If for example you are looking for a career in accountancy then find a few accountancy firms in your area and ask if you can film a video interview for your college project.

This achieves two things; first of all it builds your confidence for when you come to attend real job interviews, and secondly makes the companies who may be your prospective employers aware of you. Can you imagine if you go for an interview for a job and you are up against other similarly qualified graduates and you mention that you have already interviewed many local companies and know quite a lot about their line of work, who do you think will have a better chance of getting the job?
From an employer's point of view it is expensive to recruit someone new to their business. They have to pay a recruiting agency usually to collect CV's and perform an initial vetting of prospects. Then they have to use a member of staff to interview candidates and then go through all the interviews to try and select the right person for the job.

If you have already shown initiative, drive, lack of fear by conducting your own interviews and a good grasp of technology by producing and uploading your videos online then they are more likely to choose you in preference to the other candidates. So don't sit on your laurels and think that there are not any good jobs out there because of cutbacks and the recession, go and make something happen by doing something different and get podcasting, who knows you might find that is the career you have been looking for.
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Reasons You Should Watch Career Videos When Looking For Career Advice

For students who are unsure regarding their future plans, career advice is a great option. This is because experienced career advisors can sort out the options available to you and point you in the right direction. Fortunately, it is very convenient to approach career counselors. While you may find one in your local area, a great option is to look for them online.

This is highly convenient, since you can arrange video conferences with your counselor and, thus, get the benefits of a face-to-face conversation without leaving your house. Also, for general career advice, you can refer to career videos. These are the videos that are created by experienced counselors and are aimed at providing general information and guidance.

There are several reasons you should refer to these videos if you are confused regarding the career you should opt for. The main reason, however, is the fact that these videos provide detailed information regarding a certain field. They explain all aspects, including the academic requirements needed for a certain career and the kind of study involved. In fact, they even explain the professional life you will have once you complete a certain course of study. This is a major advantage, since getting to know about the professional life in a certain field can greatly help you in choosing a career for yourself.

There are several people who rely on online career advice. Most of these people, however, believe that researching and reading up on material written by experts is the only way to obtain general advice. This is where career videos can help you without actually making you feel like you are working alone. Even though these are not conversations, watching someone speak and explain has an undeniable psychological effect, causing you to remember more and, thus, benefit more.

By watching career videos, therefore, you can make use of the benefits of watching someone explain things. Not only will it become easier for you to understand things but you will also find yourself more interested in watching videos than you might be in reading a long piece of writing.
Another major reason you should watch career videos is the fact that there is a wide variety of these. You can not only watch videos made by career counselors, but also those made by successful professionals in certain fields. Also, you can watch videos of former students who went through the phase you are in right now. Watching these can help you decide how to make the best decision for yourself by choosing the perfect career path.
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Career Advice - The Reason Careers Fail

Failures or shortfalls in careers do not usually result from the lack of education and training. The number one reason for such disappointments is most often not knowing "how to work".
Said another way, the difference between winners and losers in the world of work is that achievers know how to translate their "know-what-to-do" skills into "how-to-get- things-done" strategies and actions. People who can carry out the procedural functions associated with a job are a dime a dozen. But those who can manage people and resources to complete a successful project are in the minority.

Without common sense, the careerist is severely handicapped in driving ideas from incubation to results. He may have brilliant ideas, but unless he can move them through the organization to achieve tangible results, those ideas will die without serving a useful purpose for anyone.

Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, father of the U.S. nuclear navy, put it this way: "What it takes to do a job will not be learned from management courses. It is principally a matter of experience, the proper attitude and common sense--none of which can be taught in a classroom."
In his groundbreaking book EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, Daniel Goleman posits: "I would argue the difference (between high achievers and also-rans) is quite often in the abilities called emotional intelligence, which includes self-control, zeal and persistence, and the ability to motivate oneself."

That equates to common sense in my experience.
Common sense is not very common. This rare quality is much easier to see in hindsight. Some people are lucky. They seem to have been born with common sense. But most have to work to learn its rules. Common sense can be identified and embraced by observing successful careers in action. It can be learned from studying the biographies of achievers.

It is the goal of this blog and other publications from Common Sense At Work© to provide common sense career advice for ambitious men and women who want to accelerate careers.
All you read in Common Sense At Work publications (click here) is written from my real-world experiences working with a wide range of men and women from working as a common laborer in the sawmills of South Arkansas, to the power offices of the Federal government in the nation's capital, to the elegant towers of American Express's New York City headquarters and the sedate club rooms of Europe.

I have also interviewed scores of careerists including those just beginning their careers, middle manages and chief executive officers. I have benefited from the input of professionals who practice in the fields of management psychology and organizational dynamics. Finally, I have done exhaustive research on what has been written and said on the subject of how to get ahead in the world of work.
From these sources I have learned that Common sense is the essential ingredient in career success.
To get common sense advice on how to achieve your career goals subscribe to Ramon Greenwood's free semi-monthly newsletter and blog.

Go to His take-it-to-the bank advice comes from a world of experience, including serving as Senior Vice President of American Express, an entrepreneur, professional director, career coach and author. You can also get to his blog via this route.
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Career Change Advice: A Step by Step Guide

Career transitions have become increasingly common over the last forty years. New developments in technology and increased geographic mobility have made multiple job changes the rule rather than the exception. While many career transitions have positive outcomes, it has become increasingly evident that career transitions often leads to poor results. New careers often offer less pay, have fewer benefits and even less job security. While it is tempting to change careers in pursuit of a better life, careful thought and planning should be part of any career change.

Before moving on, consider the reasons behind your desire to change careers. Is it your job, your boss, your industry, the lack of financial reward, or something more personal? To find out, mercilessly go through your entire professional work experience to ferret out the root cause of your desire for career transition. List every company that you have touched as an employee, client, customer or business partner. List your technical certifications, the processes your know, and skills you have acquired. When you have completed the list, go through and rate each experience on a scale from 1 to 10.Now, dig deeper to uncover what it was about each experience that made it positive or negative. While you may be able to find a profession that you are truly passionate about, you will still have to deal with angry customers, overbearing bosses, low pay and stress. Consider whether the grass is truly greener on the other side.

Once you have made the decision for career transition, make sure you are prepared for what is to come. You may find the sacrifices that you and your family will have to make outweigh the benefits. To the best of your ability, make an assessment of how long your change will take, how much it will cost, and how likely your are to succeed. In addition, put together a back-up plan in case your dream fails to materialize. Finally, and most importantly, put together a time-line with milestones marking out each part of your plan. Make sure that your goals are attainable and recognize that you may have to change course along the way.

Before you leave your old career behind, make sure to take advantage of all the work you put into it. Leave your company on good terms. Stay in contact with former co-workers and business associates While you get up and running with your new life, make a point to reach out to your former colleagues at least every two or three months. Career placement test is an excellent tool to help you. You should also consider joining an Expert Network which will allow you to share your expertise with investors and industry professional while making both contacts and consulting fees.
If you are interested in Career transition guidelines related to fit between the job and your personality please visit our web site devoted to self-development. Career placement test will help you to identify and develop your natural strengths.

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Advice on Choosing Graduate Careers

By Ador Talukdar

When you finish high school you are ready to embark on the choices that are going to shape your future and decide what professional options are open to you in that future. You will need to decide if college is the right thing for you to attend or if you would like to enter a trade school to prepare yourself for the graduate careers that you would like to pursue later. There was a time when the majority of people went from the halls of their high school straight to the work force.

During these periods in history there was a high demand for unskilled labor and some of the positions even paid decent wages. Some of the graduate careers that people now want to be employed in were once available to an employee through strictly on the job training and advancement programs within the company they worked for. There are very few of those types of positions available today unless you have the degree or the diploma to prove you have been formally instructed in the graduate careers that you have chosen.

In order to choose the graduate careers that will make you happy and provide you with the financial means to live the lifestyle you want to live you will need to consider what things you are good at doing. Some people are gifted at anything that pertains to mathematics while other people are lost if they have to do any work with numbers. There are people who are people oriented, and do very well when they are working around a lot of others, and then some individuals are better suited to working somewhere that does not require them to interact a lot with others.

You also need to consider if the graduate careers that you want to be employed for are the kind of positions that require you to do some internship work while you attend the classes. Most graduate careers in the law profession and in the areas of commerce like the stock market do require that the individual they hire has some practical experience they have gained from an internship while they were going to school.

Now that you have considered where your talents lie you need to consider whether or not doing the things that you are good at makes you happy or not. If you are really good with numbers but you absolutely hate doing the tasks that include them then you do not need to become an accounting or an office manager. If you are good with people but working very closely with them gives you a tension headache, then you do not need to work as a nurse or in a medical profession that has you dealing directly with the patients.

Choosing the path we will follow for the rest of our lives is difficult, but you have to know that even as you grow older and you have a position you can continue to educate yourself and develop new skills that will allow you to do different things. Graduate careers are necessary for you to make a living, but choosing the right graduate careers for you can seem like an impossible task. With the help of the people at Grad Central it may be possible for you to find the perfect position that will use your natural talents and will also make you happy while you work.

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Career Advice - Career Change Over 40 - Is it Too Late?

By Waller Jamison Is it too late to make a career change over 40? There was a time when this might have been true and anyone giving career advice would have told you to stay where you were. But when it comes to jobs, things have changed dramatically for everyone and although some employers are a bit slow to catch on, the smart ones are employing older people.

Why is so much changing? You already know about the economy and the effect that is having on jobs. Another important factor is the changing population. More people are living longer and many people are having fewer children. So this means that in the majority of western countries, the population is aging. And, significantly, there aren't as many young people to take their place in the labor market. So what does this mean for you?

If you are 40 or over, the first thing you need to realize is that your working life is likely to be a bit longer than you expected. But you had probably already figured that one out! You know you won't be retiring any time soon. With plenty of people living to 100 these days, that means around 35 or 40 years of life past the usual retirement age.

And unless you have a private income, a huge pension fund or your children become incredibly wealthy, that means you will have to support yourself for all those extra years. This information enables you to view career change in an entirely new light. If you are 40 now and are going to have to work until you are 80, you have what used to be an entire working life still ahead of you.

There are plenty of positive things about changing career in midlife. For one thing, you have around 20 years of work experience, which has taught you plenty. You have skills which can be used in many different work situations and you know what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. So it will be easier for you to choose a new career based on interests and aptitudes.

When you were in your twenties, a certain career may have held an appeal for you, but you didn't have the experience to back up your choice. Now you do. There are also challenges involved in changing career at 40 or over. You may need to go back to college which can be expensive and if you have been away from studying for a long time, you might wonder how you will cope. And of course you could find yourself in a classroom with a bunch of 18 year olds. But you probably won't be the only mature student in the class and you will find that colleges are well equipped for dealing with students who have been away from education for some time.

It certainly is not too late to change careers when you are 40 or over, but there is a lot to think about. Don't make rash decisions. With the internet available to almost everyone, it is easy to research careers and training courses. This will help you to find an option which works for you. As your next step, get started on your research at And if you are serious about improving your career, sign up for our free report torecession proof your future.

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Career Advice - Important Considerations When Changing Career By Colin Davis Careers Advice can take so many forms, ranging from advice from a close friend or relative to a full career assessment and a structured plan carried out by a qualified careers advisor. One of the problems is that almost anyone can set themselves up as a careers advice counsellor and the various certifications and qualifications are not clearly differentiated. Most careers advice is intended for and directed to college or school graduates. The quality of this advice varies tremendously and often it is the case that the advisor has little or no real experience in the market place within which careers are built and followed. In the current climate of job insecurity, it is increasingly the case that careers advice needs to be sought by those who have already been engaged in the job market and who have a chosen profession or role already well established. Advising a college student or graduate is very different from advising a professional, already having several years of experience in their chosen career path. The starting point for any careers advice should be a detailed analysis of what it is that motivates inspires and rewards any particular individual. This can be wide ranging and almost infinitely variable from person to person. Happily we all have our own desires, wants, and values and one person's inspiration can be another's total turn-off. In an already established career these wants and values can be influenced by past experience in previously held roles or jobs, where the particular values may or may not have been met. Once you have identified your particular wants needs values and requirements, the next stage should be the identification of your own skills, talents and competencies. These will be used in preparing your resume or CV. The resume fulfills several objectives. It must first get you noticed. Anything beyond a two page resume is too much and will be likely overlooked by whoever is doing the recruiting. Bear in mind that the recruiter would probably rather not have many resumes to choose from. For him or her, they just want the perfect candidate. It is up to you to be that perfect candidate and a resume that imparts sufficient information is the starting point. Avoid long winded explanations and confine yourself to laying out your past achievements, demonstrating as you do so, your suitability for the role you are seeking The resume is the selling document for the product. The product is you. Remember also that your objective at the beginning is not to secure the job. Your objective at the beginning is to get the interview. The next objective is to get the second or subsequent interview. Finally, your objective in the process is still not to secure the job but to obtain the offer of a job. This is the process that should emerge as a result of the careers advice that you obtain. Follow this process and you will be successful in your job search. Article Source:
Advice On How To Train For A New Career

By Louise C Collins

It can be a challenge to train for a new career, but it is a challenge that each person should be equipped to handle successfully. Every single person has talents and skills that can be developed into a profitable career. Furthermore, many skills do not require years of training or costly university tuition fees. Following are some tips on how to get training for starting a new career. Choosing the right career is very important. A person should start by considering what he or she enjoys doing.

A career that revolves around a hobby or enjoyable activity is rewarding in more ways than one. You should also consider your health, future plans and personal life as well. Consider the costs as in some cases, training for a new career may involve going to university and obtaining a particular diploma. However, there are many careers that one can train for without having to invest time and money into studying. In some cases, an employer may be willing to provide on the job training.

In other instances, you can learn about how to do a particular job by taking advantage of free online training and then work from home or start your own business. Consider the job market when choosing a new line of work, it is always a good idea to consider the job market. No one wants to get training in a particular line of work only to find that there are no job openings available.

If you want to be sure that you can find a new job after you have gotten training, then it can be a good idea to consider taking an IT course or becoming a health care professional. The latter option does not necessarily mean spending tens of thousands of dollars to go to medical school; in fact, you can become a nursing or dental assistant without a lot of formal training. Engineering is yet another growing field that a person may want to consider getting training in.

If you need to train for a new career, then the following three points should be seriously considered. Think of your talents and skills and be sure to choose a line of work that you actually want to do. At the same time, you will want to consider the cost of getting training along with current employment possibilities. By taking all factors into account, you will be able to make wise decisions regarding the future.

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Overcoming Psychological Problems

By Christina Sponias

The ignorance that characterizes the scientific community concerning the functioning of the human brain and the formation of mental illnesses cannot help humanity. The scientific method of dream interpretation (discovered by Carl Jung) is an accurate translation of the wise messages sent by the unconscious mind. Our dreams are produced by the divine unconscious mind, which proves God's existence. The psychotherapy of the unconscious mind is always effective because it is based on wisdom.

The various ancient civilizations that believed in the importance of dreams and all the dream interpretations mentioned in the Bible proved to the world that our dreams are extremely important. However, their knowledge was not transmitted to the next generations. The barbarous civilizations that managed to rule the world couldn't understand or respect their culture.

Fortunately, Carl Jung had the courage to make an arduous research and look for the symbolic meaning of images that had a great importance for various civilizations of the world, in all historical times. His complex research involved the comparison of symbols found in Alchemy with the meaning of important dream symbols. He also had to relate this information to the psychological system of each dreamer, to his/her psychological type, and to the characteristics of his mental illness. Carl Jung managed to really understand the functioning of the human brain and psyche because he could understand the dream language and all the information given by the unconscious mind.

The wise unconscious mind shows us the content of our brain and psyche in a symbolic form. We have a picture of our inner condition. The unconscious mind is the best psychotherapist you could find. You have private psychotherapy entirely free of charge in your own dreams, without having to go anywhere. You only have to study the dream language for a while the same way you have to study any foreign language (like Spanish or French) for a while in order to understand its peculiarities and speak this language. Now that I simplified the dream language, understanding the meaning of dreams is not an obscure adventure.

Now everything is clear and specific. I give you a road map with a cross, showing you exactly where you'll find the treasure of mental health and wisdom. You only have to follow my steps. I help you put the unconscious guidance into practice. The dream language is complicated only in the beginning. However, when you get used with the dream logic, you are enlightened. Everything starts making sense. When you are able to see the unconscious messages reflected in the dream images, you feel superior. You perceive that you have an extraordinary power.

When you understand the dream language you can absorb the unconscious wisdom. This means that you open the third eye. You have a global vision of your reality, and you have a dialogue with the unconscious mind. You make questions and you receive answers in dreams. The unconscious mind patiently analyzes all your psychological problems, from the first days of your life. You learn how to eliminate the negative effect of past traumas. You also learn how to transform the immature parts of your personality that have an inappropriate behavior into wise components of your personality.

Many parts of your personality are immature, even if you are quite old. Your age doesn't eliminate false impressions and old habits. You have to care about organizing your psychological system, so that you may get rid of behavioral patterns that work automatically, without your conscious participation. You must always control your behavior and know what you are doing. The unconscious mind helps you eliminate your wild conscience through consciousness. This is how you are able to always control your behavior, without letting your animal nature influence your reactions. This is also how you overcome your psychological problems forever.

You may believe that you are a reasonable person, but the truth is that you have inherited absurdity into the wild side of your conscience. Your violent animal nature is very dangerous. For example, you tend to believe that you must 'defend yourself' from the world. Whenever someone is rude with you, you tend to be aggressive with this person. Your ego makes you complain and attack your aggressor. This means that you have a violent reaction, even though you believe that you are 'right' and your reaction is 'normal'.

You must always be calm and always show understanding. Instead of being aggressive, you must be wise. Instead of creating more problems and acquiring new enemies, you must try to solve the existing problems, and automatically forgive your enemies. Human beings are imperfect creatures. You have to remember that everyone inherits a wild conscience that didn't evolve and keeps trying to control their behavior. You will automatically forgive your enemies when you'll learn how to look at them with compassion.

They are aggressive because they let their anti-conscience take the place of their ego. This means that they are inferior creatures because they are controlled by their wild nature. Why should you be aggressive like your enemies only because you were a victim of their violent behavior? You are responsible for your own behavior and your own actions. You should not act like an aggressive animal. You must be a superior human being in all circumstances. Don't imitate the behavioral patters of your social environment. You should be peaceful, so that you may evolve and attain higher levels of knowledge.

You have to learn how to use all your capacities instead of living limited by your idiotic human conscience that works based on only one psychological function. You must learn how to use all your psychological functions and become a genius. You also must learn how to be a sensitive human being. You should be a sincere and honest human being who can be trusted; a generous human being who saves others and helps the world find peace. This is how you will find perfect mental health that lasts forever and authentic happiness based on wisdom.

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How2Become - Be What You Want

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