Friday, 14 November 2014

Download this Equality and Diversity manual FREE of charge until Nov 20th 2014

Download this Equality and Diversity manual FREE of charge until Nov 20th 2014 courtesy of Think Doctor Publications.

Hearts and Minds is an excellent resource manual that’s been designed to encourage participants by way of interactive exercises, mini-case studies and role play to achieve the following learning objectives.

1) Identify different types of discrimination
2) Examine their own cultural backgrounds
3) Raise awareness about prejudices and preconceptions
4) Empower a sense of human dignity and social responsibility
5) Recognize how cultural differences may impact behaviour.
6) Reduce conflict.
7) Acknowledge Stereotypes
8) Identify individual and organizational attitudes towards diversity and equality.

In order to achieve these objectives this resource book has been divided into the following eight sections.

1) Prejudice and Discrimination
2) The Role of Media Section
3) Lookism
4) Language and Diversity
5) Diversity and Equality
6) Power Privilege And Status
7) Stereotype Thinking
8) Cultural Diversity

Each activity is generally presented in the following format with variations:

1) Name, to identify the exercise
2) Brief description of the purpose of the exercise
3) Normal time allotment
4) Equipment required
5) Consumable materials needed
6) Procedures suggesting how the exercise should be conducted
7) Short conclusion section
8) Helpful trainers notes

This resource book does not assume that diversity and equality consultants are familiar with organizational theory. However, it is incumbent on users of this resource book to adopt the exercise accordingly with a view to ensuring they are have a good understanding of the relevant theories behind each exercise, in that their clients can benefit by ensuring that learning aims and objectives are achieved.

Download this Equality and Diversity manual free of charge until Nov 20th 2014 courtesy of Think Doctor Publications.
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