We all have those moments when work gets us down, it can be good to have an escape route or at least an outlet.
No matter your job there will be days when you have good days and days when you have bad days. Thanks to political correctness, over regulation and increasing employer demands the chance of having a bad day is increasing. People use to take pride in their occupation and it was something they did for life. They show their employer loyalty and loyalty was shown in return. Welcome to the modern world. The employee is a number - as Karl Marx put it a unit of production.
The fact is no matter what job you are in sooner or later you will make a mistake. How organizations treat employees when they make mistakes reflects much more on the organization than it does the employee. Organizations that allow people in hierarchies abuse or mistreat those beneath them for solely personal agendas put at risk the health of the entire organization. The long term future of any company or government agency relies on happy employees. Fail in that and you will fail in meeting your goals.
So how does the average employee deal with the frustration when they have bad days. They can get down. They can complain. They can get depressed. None of these will increase their enjoyment of life. They can get a new job but what if the next job has bad days?
I find although I still work I find what allows me to get through bad days is my personal business plan. I have goals outside of work. For some this may be sports, hobbies or other outlets. For me this building my online businesses. Seeing them grow. Seeing money come in from other sources. The future dream of financial freedom and independence. All these enable me to tolerate those bad days.
What are you doing to help you tolerate bad days at work?
Need an outlet? Visit http://getfinancialfreedom4u.ws
This article is the property of Alastair HARRIS and his immediate family. It may be freely republished over the internet but must include original links.
Alastair HARRIS is the main promoter for article-gems.com article directory (visit http://www.article-gems.com) and the getfinancialfreedom4u family of websites, blogs and projects (visit http://getfinancialfreedom4u.ws) specializing in online business opportunities and education, income being generated by affiliate marketing, google, GDI, eBay, ebooks, clip flipping and more. Alastair is rated as an expert author on numerous article directories and is very open to assisting others on the internet
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alastair_Harris
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