Monday, 26 March 2007

A statement of positive change in your life

This is a positive affirmation of a change you want to achieve. It is a positive statement of what you want to happen. It is a ``success prophecy.'' I will Y statements are developed after you have set your priorities for the short-term goals you have set. Examples include:

I will like myself better each day.
I will gain emotional strength each day.
I will lose weight each day.
I will smoke less each day.
I will control my temper today.
I will give others responsibility for their lives today.
I will grow emotionally stronger each day.
I will smile more at my customers today.
I will offer my comments in class today.
I will praise my children today.
I will feel good things about me today.
I will sleep easily tonight.
I will feel less guilt each day.
I will face my fears courageously today.
I will take on only what I can handle today.
I will take care of me today.
I will challenge myself to change today.
I will manage my time better today.
I will handle my finances wisely today.
I will take a risk to grow today.

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