Saturday, 29 September 2007

Five Steps To Take Control Of Time

Step One
Know your desired outcome at all times. Each week look at what you want to achieve by the end of it. At the end of the week notice how much time you actually did spend achieving part of your desired outcomes.

Step Two
Be sure of your purpose. Why do you want to achieve this outcome? What will it provide you with? What’s its main purpose?

Step Three
Take the necessary actions. Is this easier said than done? What are the necessary actions you would have to take?

Step Four
What will you have to say no to? If you are sure you of what you want and why you want it, what will you have to eliminate in order to make the time you need to achieve your outcome?

Step Five
What would be the benefits to you and those around you if you knew how to tame your time? Staying focused on your reasons will give you the motivation to take control of your time, and your life.

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