Saturday, 20 October 2007

Networking Works

Networking - Job Search Tactic #1

Networking and Employment Search.
Surveys show that between 35% and 60% of all job changes occur as a result of informal discussions with personal contacts. Now you can tap into this most powerful employment search technique and find unadvertised jobs to suit you.

This is one of the most important skills you as a job seeker have to develop. I will show you how to work through the following issues so that you know:

How and why this will work for you

Who to contact

How to make contact and what to say

How to develop and grow your network

The importance of networking effectively cannot be stressed enough - you MUST get some practice in now!

To help you, I've written a short but very detailed manual to show you everything you need and how to find hidden jobs

This is also where your words have never been more important.

Your aim is to meet people who can influence your thinking; people who can offer constructive advice on the type of job or career you are considering.

Networking with known and new contacts creates a unique opportunity to practice your marketing message. It also allows you to get briefed on particular areas of interest and in doing so to gain a deeper understanding of the relevant issues.

When you've decided where you're headed it's so helpful to ask the question "if you were me..."

By meeting people and growing your network you have at hand the surest method of getting feedback on your ideas and clarifying your objectives.

But please don't mess up by giving the impression that you expect anything other than advice from your contact. This is the one thing everybody can give freely. If they think you're expecting them to give you a job you've blown your chance.

Oh! and another thing; the meeting is best face to face but don't expect anybody to agree to more than 20 minutes - so only ask for that. If when you're talking they say they're OK for longer then that's fine. But if not leave after 20, you can always go back again.

You can rely on this to be a really powerful tool in your employment search, but take care when you plan your meeting.

Now for something this powerful you'd expect there to be certain things you must or must not do wouldn't you?

Of course there are, but to make it easy for you just follow these networking rules and you'll find it all comes together very quickly.

So get cracking, if this is going to work, you have to start building your network list.

You should aim for at least two hundred names - you won'tt need to talk to them all, but it makes sure you haven't forgotten anyone!

I've put together a mnemonic to help you build your list because some of my students found it hard to get started.

You will find of course that your most powerful friend when you start is the telephone; read my phone power page to make sure that you get the best from the phone.

Check also for the best ways to find unadvertised jobs and how the Direct Approach is 10 times more effective that speculative letter writing.

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