Appreciation and Gratitude are quite popular concepts nowadays, since "The Secret" exploded into our consciousness. As you know, practicing and becoming expert in the basics give us a strong foundation to build on.
If you are already practicing gratitude and keeping a journal, or a gratitude board, consider adding this distinction to your current practice and see how much more energy becomes available to you to attract your dreams and desires.
Consider writing a daily list of your Gratitudes.
1. What or who you are grateful for...things, people, events. Writing a list of all the things you can think of, that you already have in your life is a powerful process. A minimum of 5 and any amount above that is good. In this case, if a little is good, more is better. It can be the most basic of things to the most profound. The first two items on my gratitude list everyday are "Thank you for my good health and my healthy husband and family." After that, I list whatever I decide on that day. Somedays my list comprises of 5 items, other days it is 15- 20.
2. Why are you grateful? Choose some items from your list and write another list as to why you are grateful for each of these things, people or events. This process of appreciation adds importance to each item and impacts your neurology. As you search for reasons and ideas, your mind remains focused whilst lingering on a pleasant topic. In fact, this is an ideal and easy way to improve your concentration, and it is a great subject for contemplation, which strengthens your ability to concentrate. The conscious mind is in constant motion, it is usually very active and often turbulent, therefore, training your mind to remain focused for a period of five minutes or more, adds power to everything you do in life, including your visualizations, affirmations and any other creative work that you may practice to activate the law of attraction.
3. How does it makes you feel? Ask this question for each item on your list, because this question adds emotion, which strengthens your "vibration" and resonance. You may also find out what your values are, as the same feelings may emerge from each item that you question. An example of this is: I feel a sense of freedom, great love or support. The universe will deliver to you situations, circumstances, events and people according to your predominant thoughts and feelings which create your resonance. You may start to experience more reality according to your values.
Adding the focused questions of why and how, helps to add to your "attractor factor" (Joe Vitale's term), your vibration of "already having" what it is you want. Being appreciative and considering these concepts allows your creative mind to contemplate and reach far more deeply into the concept of gratitude and the art of allowing and receiving. While you are thinking and feeling about what you already have in life, you are allowing or inviting the universe to bring you more.
Your resistance is down, and you are not thinking about what you don't want, or feeling lack or limitation, you are in the attitude and vibration of appreciation, gratitude and maybe even love and that sends out a strong signal to attract what you want, and now you are open to receiving it.
Some days when I am feeling stuck and my goals seem so elusive, I spend a day in gratitude.
I let go of all expectations and just give thanks... pretty much all day. When I do this process, I feel a sense of relief and a "letting go" of tension, worry and fear, and I always find that shortly after, I receive an abundance of events that I am extremely grateful for... Great things happen, I meet incredible people and I seem to be in the right pace at the right time. Try it today, make it a habit and then allow the universe to reveal and bring its treasures to you.
" The Universe may not give you what you want, but it does give you what you have been thinking. Thoughts become things, so choose the good ones." Mike Dooley
"What you think about and thank about, you bring about." Dr. John Demartini.
© 2008 Barbara Pellegrino - All Rights Reserved.
From the reefs of Australia to the rainbows of Hawaii Barbara is a renowned speaker, trainer, author and coach. Trained in mind power she is also an NLP facilitator and trainer. She presents her "Create your Vision board" workshop, Treasure Mapping Your Way to Success, in Hawaii. Mainland USA and Internationally. She is renowned for teaching people HOW to make their dreams come true using, Practical, Powerful, Proven techniques for rapid and successful manifesting
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