Monday, 19 May 2008

Are You Planning For Success?

In life, you need to think about and plan for your goals enthusiastically
Sometimes, that can be hard. I know.
Sometimes we can feel really stretched.
I've had several wealthy mentors over the past 10 years and all said the same thing:

If you're not currently planning your success (whatever success means to you) you're leaving your life to chance. But have you ever noticed the way most people plan for their holidays more than they plan for their future? It's true! Most people do that! Heck, they even plan their weekly TV viewing, yet they have no idea about where they're going in their life! There's a famous quote that says, "If you're failing to plan, then you're planning to fail." I'm sure you'd like to succeed in some area of your life.
In fact, I bet you really WANT it!
But 'wanting' isn't enough... you've got to go further and PLAN IT.
Even with a goal, without a plan you'll just drift.
It's like having a road map. Suddenly you'll see the route of how to get there.
And if it looks hard, here's a cool tip:
Turn your plan into a PICTURE, and add in the people you know of who could help make it easier (it doesn't matter at this point if you know them personally or not, just add them in at the appropriate point you would need them).
Now when you look at the picture it should seem a little easier.
Keep adding in all the extra resources you need, on top of the ones you have, until you're so excited you want to GET STARTED TODAY!
So remember...
Plan... to succeed!
Your Coach,
Lee Dixon
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