Monday, 26 May 2008

Exploring Where Your Beliefs Come From

Have you ever confronted your own beliefs or considered how your beliefs originated? Have you ever challenged any of your long-held beliefs?

Beliefs are a system for understanding the world around us. They provide stability and help us make sense of our life. But many of our belief systems are based on "Environmental Noise," meaning that many of our beliefs come from the beliefs and ideas of other people. Their "noise" affects how and what we believe.

Challenge your beliefs in life

Does it matter what you believe? Some of our belief systems aren't based on fact or reality, and yet these beliefs help us interpret the world and make decisions. Obviously our beliefs influence the way we live our lives, which makes them very important. Our beliefs are affected by our environment, our mentors in life and everyone around us. Our family, friends, teachers, mentors, colleagues, the government, and the news media all influence us in some way. These influences help form our belief systems. Some of our beliefs are helpful, while other beliefs may be detrimental to our happiness.

We may have acquired beliefs that originated from childhood, such as the belief that "I'm not good enough." Such a belief is certainly not factually correct, but because it is part of our belief system, it can affect everything we do.

Here's a good illustration of this concept. Have you ever invited someone to apply for a job because you believed in their qualifications, yet the person held the belief that they were not qualified?

If so, you would have received the response, "I can't do that job. I'm not qualified." Their past work may demonstrate that the person can do the job, but their beliefs held them back. Their beliefs caused them to devalue their worth.

From this example you can see how a belief system can hold you back from living your best life. Take a good look at the beliefs you are holding on to. Challenge and test those beliefs and you will begin to see that some of them are not worth keeping. You will even learn that a lot of the beliefs you thought were true are really somebody else's beliefs.

Improve your life

The idea that our belief systems are not always set in stone can vitalize and change your life. You are the gatekeeper of your beliefs, which means that you can reject any untrue or limiting belief systems.

Our thoughts and beliefs can have a dramatic effect on our lives. We attract the types of things that we think and believe. If we have positive optimistic beliefs, we will attract positive events and situations. This means that we have the power to change and improve our own lives simply by challenging our beliefs and eliminating those that don't add value to our lives.

Take some time to test your belief system and challenge the beliefs that are holding you back. Affirm the positive and beneficial beliefs at the same time that you remove the beliefs that detract from your life. The results will be self-improvement and an abundance of happiness.

Want to learn more about self-improvement? Bruno LoGreco is a Toronto life coach and mentor. Visit and find out how to unleash your potential for success and happiness.
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