Thursday, 22 May 2008

How To Stop Being Angry

How to stop being so angry is a question which many people ask themselves. This is because excessive anger has become something of a plague. And although excess rage isn't recognized as a disease, it does cause a lot of health risks and also reduces the quality of life you should enjoy.
How can you stop being so angry all the time? Here are some easy to do tips:

1. Keep an anger log - Often, what makes us burst in anger often surprises us afterwards when it really shouldn't. We tend to get angry of the same things over and over again. What you need to do is to keep track of what makes you angry. Carry a small notebook around to serve as an anger log. Write down every anger incident. Then, study your log and identify what makes you angry. Then you'll be able to predict your eruptions and prevent them.

2. Counting to 3 - Whenever you feel an anger eruption coming on, one of the best things you can do is to count to 3. This is a simple way to stop being angry and it takes 3 seconds to do. The counting makes you stop your rage waves dead in their tracks, and allows you to take a cool look at what's really going on. You will then be able to make a measured response to whatever angered you.

3. Learn to breathe - Taking a deep breath is a great way to calm yourself. Whenever you feel the anger coming up you just need to close your eyes and take a deep breath and imagine the anger dissipating, and more often than not, it will.

Use these 3 tips to stop being so angry and take control of your life again.
To read more tips on how to control your anger, click here: Anger Management Tips.
Mike Eltis writes extensively on psychological issues. To read his review of anger management, go to this webpage: Anger Management Treatment Options.
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