Monday, 26 May 2008

The Most Powerful But Most Dangerous Place To Be - The Comfort Zone

There is one thing on this planet that gives children (and some adults) more power than they would ever imagine. We have all experienced it before and if you can get hold of it, you experience freedom and satisfaction that surpass all understanding. With this 'thing', you can control how people feel around you as well as how they might react towards you... You can call it whatever you want to, but I just call it the TV remote.

We all know the divine moment you experience when you can get to the remote first. What makes it even more powerful, is when you have reserved parking in the most comfortable chair in the room. This is such a comfortable place to be in, and we can control virtually everything around us, but in this comfy place, you are marked with one big red bull's eye. You are the target for world war 3.

Similarly, we all find ourselves in such a spot somewhere in our lives. This comfort zone we all find ourselves in, is such a powerful place because we always tend to find something in it that we can use to control things. It gives us power to make any decision we want to and it even gives us the power to manipulate people. But every comfort zone is marked with one giant, red, bull's eyes.

Why? Because no one can grow while he/she is in a comfort zone. And if you look around you, you don't have to look very far to see that the natural tendency of life is to grow. Plants grow, animals grow, people grow not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually.

If you find yourself in such a place where you don't grow, unwanted things (challenges) will start to occur so that you can grow so that the balance in life can be maintained. Obviously no one on this Earth can escape challenges, but you can pick the challenges or they can pick themselves (many times unwanted ones).

So how do you know you are in a comfort zone? It might be a good indication that you are in a comfort zone when you are bored, keep on being mentally tired, where you have become complacent, or where you are not inspired and moved by what you do.
Look around you, look inside you, deeply inside you.

Where do you experience some major challenges or problems in your life; work, relationships, self? The chances that you are in a comfort zone are quite big. For as long as you stay in that comfy little place where you are most relaxed and undisturbed, you will be the target of unwanted challenges.

What can you do right now to get you out of that comfort zone/s?

As a coach I see you as creative and resourceful and therefore you already have all the answers to get you out of it. Unfortunately most of us find ourselves in a comfort zone where we don't want to ask us the necessary powerful questions needed to get us out of it. If we do ask us these very important questions, we wait for someone else, or the right time to get us out of it.

My passion (and job) as a coach, is to guide you on a journey of self exploration and discovery through powerful questioning so that you can get out of these comfort zones. Through this exploration and discovery process, you start to set goals that are not just outrageously big and life changing, but these are the goals that are right for you. These are the goals wherein you find your voice.

These are the goals that make you a History maker and a World shaker.

Start this journey by discovering the right goals for you and receive a free goals report.
All journeys starts with a destination. A destination without goals is useless. But it is not just goals that makes us history makers and world shakers, but the right goals that does.
What goals will revolutionize your life in 2008 and take you on a journey to become a history maker and a world shaker?

Get your free in less than 5 minutes.
Steyn ViljoenProfessional Certified CoachCog Coaching
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