Monday, 2 June 2008

How Can One Experience Trigger a Change in Your Life?

We all have experiences in our lives, some good and some not so memorable. We keep on carrying up with our lives with such experiences. But some experiences totally change the outlook of our life or they start distorting the facts or the thoughts on which our life runs. Such experiences make us question our own beliefs, which we have been having for years. That makes us doubt ourself.

Have you doubted your ability to do something? How did you do it? You might have asked yourself some very poor questions like...What if I do not get it right? or What if my plans do not work? But the questions can obviously be tremendously empowering if we use them to examine the validity of some thing which we blindly accept. Many of our beliefs are supported by information we got from others.

We can take an example of this to get deeper in to this.This example is related with the usage of computer or typewriter.Why do you think the traditional arrangement of letters,numbers or symbols on 99 percent of all typing devices is universally accepted round the world?The arrangement of characters is known as QWERTY.These characters are on the top left row of the keyboard.This arrangement was devised as the most efficient configuration to increase typing speed....right?

Most people never though about,after all QWERTY existed for years....but it is the most inefficient configuration you can imagine.The truth is QWERTY was deliberately designed to slow down the human typist at a time when type writer parts moved so slowly that they would jam in the operator typed too fast.

So then why have we clung to QWERTY keyboard for so many years?In 1882,when almost everyone typed with the hunt and peck method,a woman who had developed the eight finger typing method was challenged to a typing contest by another teacher.To represent her,she hired a professional typist who had memorized the QWERTY keyboard.

With the advantage of memorization and the eight finger method,he was able to beat his competitor who used the four finger hunt and peck on a different keyboard.So from then on QWERTY became the standard for speed an no one ever question the reference any more to see how valid it was.

So,considering the above example,you might have many beliefs which you have failed to question,which if are disempowering might be even limiting your life,without you knowing!So is your experience triggering a positive change in your life?You need to ask that question to yourself!

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