Sunday, 15 March 2009

Why do what you want to do?

We are much more productive when doing something what we like. Spend five hours of learning something that you hate and you will learn 20% of the information. Spend two hours learning what you like and you will learn 110% of information. Doing what you want has a great advantage because we are much better at it.

We are all special in different kind of things. We all like different things and hobbies. But to most of us they stay only hobbies. But why not do in your life what you like to do? A smart man said: work what you like to work, and you will never need to "work" in your life.

Why don't we go beyond a hobby?

It is not easy to do what you like, because in the begining it may not give you anything besides personal pleasure and happiness. But why do we get something in the first place?
Why do we receive something in the first place?

A cook gets 2000 a month and a micro surgeon gets 10,000 a month, because he is providing bigger value than a cook. He is saving lives and not a lot of people can do such a job. So what you need to do is reach value and uniqueness. Become the best in what you like.

How to become the best in what you like?

It may take time and may not be easy in the begining, because we are stuck in the box of daily life. But each day spend at least one hour doing something what you like. Go out of your usual box and read books, learn about what you like, practise it. One hour will not hurt the box. Do what you like until it will become valuable enough to provide value to others and than you may receive something for it. Do it until it goes beyond a hobby and turns in to a profession, no matter what kind of a hobby you have in the first place.

Why provide value to others doing what you like?

Because we all like different things and the world needs it. There are some jobs that are not unique and a lot of people still do it and end up having no job because there are too many professionals in that sphere. But in the most cases, what you really like to do will be unique and give value that no others can give. Provide value to the world and you will gain value yourself.

Why should we provide value to the world?

It will not only provide value to you but that is also our purpose in this life. To provide value to others. And the only way to do it, is to become valuable yourself. So good luck in doing what you like at least one hour each day.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

The post was very inspiring and interesting. I agree that we are more likely to do something if we are interested in doing it.

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