Addiction To Complaining
Complaining is a way of life for some
people. It was certainly a way of life for my mother. I don’t remember a day
going by without her complaining, endlessly. I don’t think I ever heard a word
of gratitude out of my mother’s mouth. No matter how good things were, she
would manage to find something wrong. No matter how perfect I was – and God
knows I tried to be perfect! – she always found something wrong with me, as
well as with my father.
Over the years of counseling others, I’ve
noticed that some people start every session with a complaint. They can’t seem
to help it. Like my mother, they are addicted to complaining.
Why do people complain? What is it they want
or hope for when they complain?
People who complain are generally people
who have not done the emotional and spiritual work of developing a loving,
compassionate inner adult self. They are operating as a wounded child in need
of love, attention and compassion. Because they have not learned to give
themselves the attention and compassion they need, they seek to get these needs
met by others. Complaining is a way they have learned to attempt to get this.
They use complaining as a form of control, hoping to guilt others into giving
them the attention, caring and compassion they seek.
Complaining is a “pull” on other people.
Energetically, complainers are pulling on others for caring and understanding
because they have emotionally abandoned themselves. They are like demanding
little children. The problem is that most people dislike being pulled on and
demanded of. Most people don’t want emotional responsibility for another person
and will withdraw in the face of another’s complaints.
This is what my father did. He withdrew,
shut down, was emotionally unavailable to my mother as a way to protect himself
from being controlled by her complaints. Of course, he didn’t just do this in
response to my mother. He had learned to withdraw as a child in response to his
own mother’s complaints and criticism. He entered the marriage ready to
withdraw in the face of my mother’s pull, while she entered the marriage ready
to make my father emotionally responsible for her. A perfect match!
My father’s withdrawal, of course, only
served to exacerbate my mother’s complaining, and she constantly complained
about my father’s lack of caring about her. Likewise, my mother’s complaining
served to exacerbate my father’s already withdrawn way of being. This vicious
circle started early and continued unabated for the 60 years of their marriage,
until my mother died.
While my parents loved each other, their
ability to express their love got buried beneath the dysfunctional system they
created. Unfortunately, this is all too common in relationships. One person
pulling – with complaints, anger, judgment, and other forms of control – and
the other withdrawing, is the most common relationship system I work with.
A person addicted to complaining will not
be able to stop complaining until he or she does the inner work of developing
an adult part of themselves capable of giving themselves the love, caring,
understanding and compassion they need. As long as they believe that it is
another’s responsibility to be the adult for them and fill them with love, they
will not take on this responsibility for themselves.
Our inner child – the feeling part of us –
needs attention, approval, caring. If we don’t learn to give this to ourselves,
then this wounded child part of ourselves will either seek to get it from
others, or learn to numb out with substance and process addictions – food,
alcohol, drugs, TV, work, gambling, and so on. If, as a child, a person saw
others get attention through complaining – as my mother did with my grandmother
– and if complaining worked for the child to get what he or she wanted, then it
can become an addiction. Like all addictions, it may work for the moment, but
it will never fill the deep inner need for love. Only we can fill this need for
ourselves, by opening our hearts to the Source of love. Only we can do the
inner work of developing a loving adult capable of opening to the love of
Spirit and bringing that love to the child within. People stop complaining when
they learn to fill themselves with love.
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